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Monogyne is derived from the word "mono" meaning single and the greek word "gunē" meaning women, wife, or the primary reproductive cast of females in an insect hive. A monogyne is a hive that has a single reproductive queen.[1] A hive with multiple reproductive females is considered a polygyne. [2]

Queen bee

It is hard to determine whether insect colonies are mono or polygyne, so researchers Valles and Porter used Oligonucleotide primers to determine whether individuals of the imported red red ants came from a monogyne or a polygyne population. They found that the polygyne queens were heterozygote and the monogyne queens were homozygote. They were able to use this information to determine which type of population the individual ants came from.[3]


monogyne. (n.d.). Oxford University Press. Retrieved from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/monogyne

Gyne. (2015, April 10). In Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyne

Valles, S. M., & Porter, S. D. (2003). Identification of polygyne and monogyne fire ant colonies ( Solenopsis invicta ) by multiplex PCR of Gp-9 alleles. Insectes Sociaux50(2), 199–200. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00040-003-0662-8

  1. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/monogyne
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyne
  3. Valles, S. M., & Porter, S. D. (2003). Identification of polygyne and monogyne fire ant colonies ( Solenopsis invicta ) by multiplex PCR of Gp-9 alleles. Insectes Sociaux50(2), 199–200. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00040-003-0662-8